I couldn't update one of my Windows 2008 R2 servers recently. When I tried I would get the following error code 800B010A or sometimes
0x800B010A; what did it mean? I couldn't find any good idea's to try whenever I google'd the error code. So..I figured I would download each patch/fix from Microsoft and manually update the server without trying to use WSUS or the Internet. There were a total of 11 patches/fixes so it wasn't a big deal. After I downloaded, I tried to run the updates manually with the "Run As" option and that didn't work either....WTF!!!
But I did notice that one of the updates actually gave me a good error, not that errors are good, but it lead me in the right direction. The Error was "The certificate chain authority is not valid or missing" Bingo!
Sure enough I ran MMC, Add Snapins, certificates, and checked the Trusted Root Certificate Authority and non of the Microsoft certificates were there?? Sooo...I exported the certs from another Windows 2008 Server and imported the missing certs to my defunct server and WALA!!! back in business, my server can now update via WSUS and the internet.
Missing Certs " Microsoft Root Authority - expiration 12/31/2020"
" Microsoft Root Certificate Authority - expiration 5/9/2021"
This may not be the case with your issue, but it helped resolve mine!
4.5 years later, this helped. thank you